Take up your sofa and walk! You’ve got more in you than chips and Coke and God’s got more in store for you than prime time MTV. If you want to fly with Him, you’d better get going! The place to get equipped and get yourself in shape is the Discipleship Training School (DTS). The first three months are mostly about getting better acquainted with God and listening to Him. Living, learning, enjoying, working, relaxing and spending time with God and each other will develop and strengthen your character. Your gifts, your calling and your message will become clearer.
Don’t let the pull of the world hold you back; get moving and start to see things from God’s perspective. His world is greater, more real than you think – and needs you! Leave your fear at the door, take a step of faith and experience how God uses you to reach a lost and dying world. Give your life to the poor and needy, preach Jesus in word and deed, gain cross-cultural experience, live out teamwork, expand your boundaries, use your gifts… all of that in a three-month outreach. Whether on the slopes of the Himalayas, in the jungles of Madagascar, or on the streets of a city – your life will make a lasting difference.
Our motto is: “To know God and make him known”. Are you ready for it? Come to Switzerland and do a DTS!
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