We are very excited to announce dates for 2023! So here is what you need to know:
Budapest, Hungary
March Tuesday 14th – Starting with dinner
March Saturday 18th – Ending with breakfast(accommodation, breakfast & dinner included)
The Family Ministry Forum is the gathering together of our YWAM Family Ministries family within Europe (and beyond) and is an amazing platform for fellowship and networking with ministry partners across Europe.
Come join us to be inspired by new resources, refreshed by relationship, empowered by new developments, and to hear from each other about the new things God is doing! This will be a time of hearing from each other, growing closer together as a body, great discussions, powerful worship and prayer and beautiful fellowship.
Please prayerfully consider if there are new people around you who would benefit from joining this group. Please pray about who you could encourage to join and bring with you!
Love & Blessings from
the FM European Leadership Team