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Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins, and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. Isaiah 58:12
The Family Ministries School (FMS) is a second level school in the UofN for students who have completed a DTS. It introduces students to the Biblical foundations of marriage and family life. It has been designed to give spiritual and practical training in ministering to families and targets five major themes related to effective ministry to families:
- The Biblical model of family
- God’s design for marriage
- Godly parenting
- Christian family counseling principles
- The role of the family in ministry
This 12-24 week course (dependent on an optional 8-12 week Field Assignment) starts in January each year for couples, families, solo parents and singles, who sense a call of God on their lives to help restore family life to God’s intended pattern. Students can anticipate growth and development in their personal lives, in their families and in their ability to minister to other families.