A Message of Hope

By Sharyn Borodina

Wow, what a world we are living in today. While it’s true that we never know what tomorrow may bring, a worldwide pandemic was definitely not on my radar! It’s a unique moment to recognize that this experience, our own way of processing and feeling about it are being shared in one way or another, by the entire world. There is a solidarity in that don’t you think? Somehow we can have compassion in our hearts in a more definitive way for a country, culture, or even just our neighbor, because we’ve found a connecting point through this crisis…quite simply we are all in this thing together.

I recently listened to Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth with a Mission, as he shared an encouraging message to the YWAM family around the world. He believes 2020 is going to be a year for breakthroughs, and that we should look at this time of isolation as a sort of sabbatical; an opportunity to really get alone with Jesus, and make sure our current path is aligned with His! What a hope-filled message!!! Yes Lord, bring those breakthroughs, and during this time when life has slowed down enough to where we can really hear you again, prepare us to be ready for whatever comes next.

What is the world thinking about right now, as we sit at home? The pause button of life as we knew it has been pushed, and the world is wondering: what will life look like when it is turned on again? Will life ever be the same again? Are we going to make it through this?  As the western world recently celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the Eastern world celebrates it the following week, maybe we are experiencing the story and theme of Jesus a bit differently this year. Every day the media informs us of the thousands of lives that have been lost to this virus with little uncertainty as to when, or if it will get better in the near future. At the same time, all around us  here in Ukraine and many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, the new life of springtime is blossoming with all its beautiful vibrance and color. Death and New Life. Central themes in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

As we ponder during this month the grace we have been afforded because of the sacrifice of Christ’s death on the cross for us, think about this : we have an answer for the world, during this time. We have a message to share loud and clear. A message of hope.  Let’s declare together what we know to be true, and let’s remind the world that there is more to their story!

  • We are to have a spirit of courage, not of fear.
  • We serve a God who is faithful
  • We serve a God who redeems!
  • Jehovah Jirah our provider
  • Jehovah Rapha our healer
  • El Roi is the God who sees me
  • He will never leave us nor forsake us
  • He has a plan for our lives, and it’s a plan to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us a hope and a future…as we look to Him.

So friends, let’s look to Him during this time.  Let’s remember together that our hope is in the Lord, and wait for Him to open the door, like never before, to share that message of hope with the world!!

He has Risen!!! He has Risen in indeed!

For such a time as this !

Sharyn Borodina and her husband work with Bloom ministries in Ternopil, Ukraine. Bloom is a branch of YWAM Family Ministries which seeks to be a resource and encouragement to families as well as an inspiration for all to grow a strong relationship with Jesus Christ!