by Morten & Tiffany Olesen
For quite some time YWAM Family Ministries in the Philippines have been focused on training through marriage and family seminars. Earlier this year we felt the Lord leading us into greater discipleship ministry and we were reminded of the Department of Social Welfare and Development. We then approached them and asked how we could assist them as a Civil Service Organization (CSO) in serving and educating families. Their response was very encouraging as they warmly welcomed us to join the government program. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Literally Translated: Program for Filipino Families to Get By) is a conditional cash transfer scheme run by the National government, that aims to alleviate poverty in the Philippines. As part of the conditions of the cash grants, the beneficiaries are to be proactive in the health and education of their children. Furthermore, the parents are required to attend Family Development Sessions (FDS) to educate themselves about family life.
We saw the FDS as an open door from the government to share biblical principles on strengthening families. YWAM Baguio has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Social Welfare and Development as a partner organization in this endeavor. For 1 year we will share preventive principles on marriage and parenting in four different localities, on a monthly basis. Our first topic was about Understanding Personality through the Family Zoo, based on the book “Treasure Tree” by John Trent and Gary Smalley. Unlike the straight talk from previous speakers, we opted for team-teaching, games and small group discussions, which made the sessions much more interactive and exciting. We are not allowed to openly share the gospel, but please pray that through biblical principles the families we will reach out to will come to know the Lord.
Read more about this government run program here.