Ministry as a Family – Around the Web

Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of resources around the web addressing the topic of Families in Ministry:

YWAM WildFire

YWAM WildFire is a part of KKi England and has great posts for Families in Ministry, for example: Outreach Toolkit for Families and Families living the Kingdom Together.

Families In Ministry

Written by Angela and Andreas, this is a website featuring summaries and E-book versions of the book “Families in Ministry“.

24/7 Moms is a website and a tribe for moms founded by Trisha Novotny, a ‘mission minded’ mom of five: Whether you go by Mom, Mother, Mommy or Mama we all have ONE thing in common – we need each other. This site is a place for moms to be inspired, equipped and connected as we travel this motherhood adventure together. Also on Facebook!

Velvet Ashes is a community of women doing life together across the globe. It’s for women who are currently serving overseas, preparing to go, returned or supporting others. Their motto is: encouragement for women serving overseas.
Here’s a promotional video:

A Life Overseas “The blog collective ‘A Life Overseas’ provides that place of online connection for Christ-following missionaries and humanitarian aid workers living in foreign countries– from the past, present, or future. As a team of writers who have logged years of overseas experience ourselves, we want to create an online space where expats of many nations come together to interact, encourage, and find a community that ‘gets it’.”

At Home With God & At Home With God
Children Can was founded in 2010 by Olly & Helen Goldenberg. After over 25 years of working with children, including 15 years as the Children’s Pastors of one of the largest Children’s Ministries in Europe, God called them to help churches and families around the world to disciple the next generation.
“We have seen children respond to God from the womb and God is working through even very young children to bring His kingdom to earth: Worshipping God for an hour at a time, spending hours in prayer to Him, transformed to live for God in their schools, leading their friends to Jesus, ministering healing and preaching the Gospel to 90 of their school friends at one time.”
There is also a Video series by Olly & Helen Goldenberg about ministering with your children.

TCK’s & MK’s

Michèle Phoenix writes for and on her blog she specializes in TCK/MK (Third Culture Kid/Missionary Kid) issues. Raised in France by a Canadian father and an American mother, Michèle is a mentor, writer and speaker with a heart for MKs. She taught for 20 years at Black Forest Academy (Germany) before launching her own ministry advocating for Third Culture Kids. She now travels globally to consult and teach on topics related to this unique people group.

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