(Non-romantic沒有浪漫的 Неромантическая)
[avatar user=”larryb” size=”medium” align=”right” link=”/author/larryb/”]Larry Ballard[/avatar]
Basis 根基
I Tim 5:1-2 …and the younger women as sisters in all purity (Honorable, respectful) Overemphasis on dating and coupleness 提摩太前書5:1-2 「不可嚴責老年人、只要勸他如同父親.勸少年人如同弟兄.勸 老年婦女如同母親.勸少年婦女如同姐妹.總要清清潔潔的。」(誠實的、尊敬 的) 過份強調在約會和夫婦。
Benefits 好處
- Wholesome, non-threatening, interaction with the opposite sex 健康的、沒有威脅的、與異性的互動。
- Development of social skills 發展社交技巧
Group settings 團隊的安置
No brothers or sisters in Family Of Origin 在原生家庭中沒有兄弟姊妹 - Healing 醫治
Previous relationship filled with selfishness & lust 先前的關係充滿自私與貪求
Woundings from brothers or sisters 過去從兄弟姊妹來的傷害
Never known pure wholesome loving relationships 從未經歷健康愛的關係
- Development of social skills 發展社交技巧
- Companionship 友誼 (Without romantic overtones沒有浪漫的弦外之音)
- Friendship 友誼
- Relieves loneliness 減緩孤單
- Ministers to need for intimacy服事親密關係的需要 (Intimacy is a universal need 親密關係是全球的需求, Gen 2:18創世紀 2:18)
- Wholesome, non-threatening, interaction with the opposite sex 健康的、沒有威脅的、與異性的互動。
Read the whole document here: