Experiencing Values Together
We want to encourage families in their daily challenges, help them to get to find their uniqueness as a family and to learn and grow together on challenges.
The Family Inspiration Day is a day of action for families with children from three to twelve years. Through child-friendly input and a lot of fun and action families have an intensive time together and go home with fresh inspiration for their family life. Dealing with conflicts, spending time together or trusting one another – all those could be topics of a Family Inspiration Day.
We have had great experience and feedback on the FID that we have hosted in Hainichen and so we decided to make this idea available to anyone who is interested to run this program in their church, their school or preschool or wherever. This program fills a big need for many families because it is strength-based and not a problem oriented approach. It can be used in both church or secular settings.
Portions of the FID materials have been translated into English. If you are interested and want to find out more, please visit the website of this project!