The Five Phases in a Relationship

[avatar user=”larryb” size=”medium” align=”right” link=”/author/larryb”]Larry Ballard[/avatar]In this document Larry Ballard sums up the five phases a relationship can be in. These are notes of the teaching, resulting in a concise overview of the five phases and what to be aware of in each phase. Especially useful if one is studying this subject.

To read the full article, download the attached pdf.

You are attracted to someone, not primarily for what they are, but rather for what you become as a result of your contact with them.

Here is a preview of the 5 phases:

  1. Attraction (Formation)
  2. Testing (Proving) – Counting the cost!
  3. Commitment (Establishing)
  4. Maintenance (Preserving) – Not waiting until it breaks down!
  5. Ending or changing of a relationship. (High degree of vulnerability)

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