Expectations Before a Life Together

By Fedde Ypma  “After our marriage I had about three years of mourning, because of unmet expectations. It took years to readjust my expectations,” said William, who thought that married life would be heaven on earth. His wife would just do what his mother and …

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Same kitchen, different pots

By Laura Mihaly If you come into our kitchen you will find my husband cooking. That’s his new thing! He learns something new every year and is now doing a three-month course on nutrition. He confessed that he has three new ministry ideas in his …

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Expectations after 37 years of marriage

By Christine Schubert Like everyone else we had huge expectations when we began the adventure of joining our lives 37 years ago. We also had our share of disappointments in the following years. Seasoned Marriage  Do we still struggle with frustrations of unfulfilled expectations? Well, …

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